History of Psychology

Welcome to the website for History of Psychology HS24 (24022-01)

Instructors: Loreen Tisdall and Rui Mata, University of Basel

Last updated Mon Dec 02 10:31:27 2024

Psychologists love labs!

Session information

Sessions take place Mondays, 8.15-9.45, Chemie, Organische, Grosser Hörsaal OC.

# Date Topic Instructor Slides Reading
1 23.09.2024 Session 1: Introduction Tisdall pdf Ball (2012)
2 30.09.2024 Session 2: Pre-psychology Mata pdf Markie & Folescu (2023)
3 7.10.2024 Session 3: The birth of psychology Mata pdf Brysbaert & Rastle (2009)
4 14.10.2024 Session 4: Psychoanalysis Mata pdf Brysbaert & Rastle (2009)
5 21.10.2024 Session 5: Behaviorism Mata pdf Brysbaert & Rastle (2009)
6 28.10.2024 Session 6: Gestalt psychology Mata pdf Brysbaert & Rastle (2009)
7 4.11.2024 Session 7: Cognitive psychology Mata pdf Brysbaert & Rastle (2009)
8 11.11.2024 Session 8: Psychology today Tisdall pdf Spear (2007)
9 18.11.2024 Session 9: Psychotherapy research Tisdall pdf Braakmann (2015)
10 25.11.2024 Session 10: Psychological testing Tisdall pdf Wasserman (2012)
11 2.12.2024 Session 11: Decision science Tisdall pdf Newell, Lagnado, & Shanks (2022)
12 9.12.2024 Session 12: What kind of science is psychology? Mata
13 16.12.2024 Exam (Bernoullianum, Grosser Hörsaal 148)

What is this course about?

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the history of psychology, tracing its evolution from its philosophical origins to its development as a scientific discipline. It explores the contributions of natural and social sciences to the field and examines the emergence of various psychological schools of thought that have shaped our understanding of human mental processes and behavior from the 19th century to the present. Additionally, the course highlights the institutionalization of psychology as a science and its expanding role in diverse areas such as mental health, organizational and educational settings, and the communication of evidence and risk.

What can you expect to learn?

By completing the course, you can expect to:

How should you use this website?

This website is designed to help course participants get an overview of the course sessions and access the course slides. The slides will be made available after each session. A FAQ forum is available on ADAM.