Create Your Personal Website

Welcome to the BEACON 2022 workshop website!

Rui Mata (Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences) , Gayoung Son (Center for Cognitive and Decision Sciences & Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience)


Having your own website is like having a digital scientific ‘business card.’ Perhaps you do not know where to start, or perhaps you started but then got stuck? In this workshop, you will create your very own website using R Markdown and Distill. No previous programming skills are required; you will start with a template, and then, step-by-step, add to this website template to represent you, your science, your teaching, your outreach activities, etc. You will also learn how and where to host your website. This website is a simple example of how your own website in Distill could look like!

Preparations for the workshop

For the workshop, there are some simple prerequisites. Please make sure all the following points are ready on your laptop before you come to the workshop.

  1. Install R and RStudio
  2. Install the the following packages in RStudio:
install.packages(c("distill", "rmarkdown", "postcards"))
  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Install GitHub Desktop

On the day of the workshop, bring your laptop and any material you want on your website (photo, text about you, your project analyses in R, instructions for making bagels etc..).

If you have any trouble with the preparations, please send Gayoung an email!